Let's Travel and Discover the Secrets of ILOILO

WELCOME to Iloilo, A Province that dances with the rhythm of the past and the promise of the future. HALA BIRA!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Hamtik Cemetery

Hamtik is a historical town in a neighboring province of Antique. Here lies the oldest Spanish Filipino Church in the entire Antique province. Built by Spanish conquistadores, the Hamtik Church was completed using dark gray stones with simple baroque designs. After the construction of newer church, the church ground was turned into a cemetery and the small stone church was turned into a cemetery chapel.


escape said...

this is so unique! never seen any church to have such history. i only see churches that has graves in its structure but never really something like this.

i should have known this blog before.

Anonymous said...

i was born at igbical hamtic antique and im proud to be a hamtikanon and antikenyo,,,we had lots of beautiful beaches and historical landmarks!