Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Lizares Mansion comes to Life

Just on the other side of the Jaro river lies one of Iloilo's most popular academies, the Angelicum School. Not only that it is famous for being one of the best Christian schools in the city but it is also known to be the home of what was once the villa of a rich baron, the Lizares Mansion.

The villa is indeed amongst the most beautiful tourist attractions in the city specifically, in the district of Jaro which is basically known for its collection of sprawling century old mansions. It is not only in an icon of the beauty of the European rule but in some way it also symbolizes a certain part of the Ilonggo history. The villa was the home of a rich sugar baron and his family. It was considered one of the most beautiful mansions in the city of Iloilo and at par with the famous Nelly Garden Mansion, the White House at the South.

What a lot of people do not know is that the mansion had suffered the wrath of the second world war. Its iconic beauty had faded and its beautiful history was stained with blood and death. However, not too many years after the war, the mansion was transformed into what is now the Angelicum School. Those who had taken over the property has not failed to restore its old charm and antiquity. Nowadays, the mansion is a popular Christmas attraction mainly because its beautifully crafted exterior is decorated with stunning Christmas lights and lanterns.

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