Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Courtyard of Alimodian Church

Before it was ruined by an earthquake, the Alimodian Church once showcased the tallest Bell tower in all of Western Visayas. The structure was built of brownish limestone and was a magnificent example of a Neoclassic structure with elaborate classical details. The church then had a very large Convent that was also said to be the longest in the entire province of Iloilo.
In 1948, the church was devastated by an earthquake that also ruined many churches in the region. The fine bell tower collapsed and so as many of the significant parts of the temple. What was left of the church was then restored and the ruins of the grand convent was then transformed into a small courtyard that is known in Iloilo for it's aviary and a collection of floras sprawling from one corner to another. 
The church's old bell that was made centuries ago is being displayed at one corner of the courtyard while some paintings about the history of the church and of the town are being showcased at the lower part of the convent ruins.
Though not very impressive as many of the other Historical tourist destinations in Iloilo, the Alimodian Church carries an old world ambiance that breathes a peaceful charm and a relaxing atmosphere to every visitor, a very feature that reasons why the structure is one wonderful tourist site.


  1. Great contrast of the tropical flora against the old stone walls. Wonderful shots!

  2. wow! i love sites like that. classic but fresh.

  3. Hey GC, my secretary and a watercolor artist wants to paint the first pix above (The Courtyard of Alimodian Church). It's the first picture that caught her eyes and she got excited about it! Of all the pics she fancied that one. Just wondering what would you say?

  4. Anyone know the Amigo family of Alimodian? My greatgreatgrandpa was one. Have never been there but will visit, even if they say it's not safe after dark, so many NPA'S. How true is this?. -
