Sunday, April 19, 2009

Museo Iloilo: Where History Comes Alive

'Museo Iloilo' is the provincial Museum of Iloilo. It is located near the Provincial Capitol and is one of the most visited tourist destinations in the province since it is located strategically near important government and liesure centres in the city. The Museum hosts many of the province's historical treasures like potteries found even before in the Spaniards arrived in the island of Panay and so as religious artifact of the Hispanio-Filipino Era. The Museum also displays a variety of Ilonggo paintings and sculptures both modern and antique. Weaponries and armories of the Filipino-Spanish War in the late 1800th century and some artificats from the second world war are interesting finds as well.

There is also a mini-library and photo gallery where you can learn many things about the province through eductaional books and rare pre-war photographs that showcases the colonial beauty of prewar Iloilo and the simple life of the Ilonggos before modernization arrived in the islands.

If you want to learn many things about Iloilo like how life was during the colonial Era and how Iloilo took hold of it's victory from its invaders or simply see notable ilonggo artistry, then I suggest you to visit Museo Iloilo, a place where the History of the province is brought back to life.


  1. The Museo IloIlo looks pretty interesting. I'll try to visit this museum when I get the chance to go to IloIlo. :)

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  2. Lovingly done is well-advised b wealthier than spectacularly said.

  3. I don't like the durable of all those lists he's making - it's like intriguing too innumerable notes at high school; you experience you've achieved something when you haven't.

  4. the place looks really excellent, , I would like to go to this place
    as soon as possible, it looks really amazing...thanks for this post and the recommendations..

  5. In one of my famous travels around the world I got the opportunity to visit this museum, and I can say by my own experience it is one of the greatest around the world. Is extraordinary to see the huge variety of culture and masterpieces Iloilo contains inside its building.
