Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Andoks Mansion

An old Mansion turned into a restuarant, well that's not a first but I guess you'd still love the thought that your dining in one of most historical places in the city. Andoks is a popular Chicken Fastfood Restaurant which was established a few years ago. One of it's first branches in Iloilo City was at Jaro when the old orange mansion in front of the public park was turned into a restaurant which everyone knew as 'Ihaw-ihaw republic'. 'Ihaw-ihaw' is another way of roasting meat and is also known as 'inasal' that is a popular delicacy in the cities of Iloilo and Bacolod. 

The Old mansion is mexican inspired perhaps because of it's festive colors and overwhelming arched details. The mansion is known for its lovely intricate portal which is neoclassic and the rest of the house is detailed using the styles of Art Deco.

If you're simply looking for place to nibble on some good food, or simply give your feet some rest or refresh yourself with coolers then try visiting Andoks, a dining center that is tinged with a spice of history.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Museo Iloilo: Where History Comes Alive

'Museo Iloilo' is the provincial Museum of Iloilo. It is located near the Provincial Capitol and is one of the most visited tourist destinations in the province since it is located strategically near important government and liesure centres in the city. The Museum hosts many of the province's historical treasures like potteries found even before in the Spaniards arrived in the island of Panay and so as religious artifact of the Hispanio-Filipino Era. The Museum also displays a variety of Ilonggo paintings and sculptures both modern and antique. Weaponries and armories of the Filipino-Spanish War in the late 1800th century and some artificats from the second world war are interesting finds as well.

There is also a mini-library and photo gallery where you can learn many things about the province through eductaional books and rare pre-war photographs that showcases the colonial beauty of prewar Iloilo and the simple life of the Ilonggos before modernization arrived in the islands.

If you want to learn many things about Iloilo like how life was during the colonial Era and how Iloilo took hold of it's victory from its invaders or simply see notable ilonggo artistry, then I suggest you to visit Museo Iloilo, a place where the History of the province is brought back to life.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Baluarte Hill: A place teeming with Hope

As Filipino tradition, Roman Catholics would go to pilgrim sites such as local calvary hills and sacred mountains every Good Friday to pray, ask forgiveness and give thanks to God.  In Iloilo alone there are about more than five pilgrim hills to visit. I went to Baluarte Cross located in one of the hills of Balic in the town of Cabatuan. The Baluarte Cross was established many decades ago as a replica to the more Historical Pamul-ogan hill, also in the same town, that is about three hundred years old.

Every Good Friday, hundreds and possibly almost a thousand people would come to Cabatuan and visit the Cross at Baluarte hill. The Faith of these pilgrims would fill the air with solemnity as those who are asking of a miracle would come to the cross at the peak of the hill and pray to God. 

If it is not Lent Season, some people would just gather to have good picnic at the top of hill, some would simply enjoy the magnificent scenery of the fields, mountains and of the nearby hills as the very shade of trees and the cool breeze refreshes the soul. Baluarte Hill is one of the most interesting places in the province of Iloilo. It is a Religious Tourist Site that is worth visiting for it was indeed built by the people's Faith and Devotion to God, a sign that Jesus Christ towers all over the world and so as in our hearts.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Campo Santo de San Joaquin

I have been there for so many times but I still get caught in awe whenever I would step into the magnificent walls of the San Joaquin Cemetery. Known as the most beautiful Spanish colonial cemetery in Iloilo and in the Philippines, the cemetery is popular for its very intricate chapel which is described to be like a crown sitting on top of a hill at the very center. 

The chapel which is of Baroque architecture that combines Chinese and Spanish Artistry is built of white coral and fossil stones alternating with red bricks. Decorations vary from intricate floral carvings to pointed finials to a simple cemetery emblem, the skull and crossbones. What makes the cemetery more attractive is that the beautiful chapel is approached by a flight of stairs. On the walls before the chapel are niches each carrying statues of Saints, most of which were recently reinstalled.

The San Joaquin Cemetery, along with the San Joaquin Church is known as one of Iloilo's Most important tourist attractions since it plays a great role in literature and history. The Province even cosiders these heritage sites as Historical Gems.