Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Mysterious Ruins of Miagao

It is not in Turkey or Greece, people. The Ionic pillars and the semi-arched niches are the only details that could give a clue to what this mysterious structure in Miagao was centuries ago. Surrounded by wild flowering vines, the mysterious yellow-stone ruins stands within the cemetery of the town before the Romanesque Chapel.
It is known to folks as a pre-Hispanic structure but the details on its remaining walls suggest typical Spanish colonial architecture. Its mysterious existence is a reminder that there is a great story behind the place where it was established.
This new discovery is worth preserving for it is an icon that hides a magnificent story that is yet to be revealed. If it existed and was ruined in a time when Moro pirates would raid the shores, then it is an icon of the people's hardships and trials. It is a reminder that Miagao is indeed one magnificent town that has many stories worth unveiling.


  1. nice pics. esp that one with the insanely pink flowers in the foreground and the church in the background. great eye for photography. cheers!

  2. This is really nice, I feel like indiana jones when I go to places like this, I have been in some ruins around europe and it's very nice.
