Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Gargantuan Cabatuan Church

Many people would agree that the most beautiful colonial churches in the Philippines are found in the Visayas. Indeed, this cluster of islands in the heart of the Philippines is the haven of historical shrines of faith. Using red to brownish bricks as the only medium to create a magnificent temple, the Cabatuan church became the largest red brick structure in the Visayas after it was completely finished in 1866.
Cabatuan Church is so large that many tourist are awed by it's massiveness and would ask of why early villagers built a gargantuan church like it. Tall, Artistic and Massive, it is an epitome of grand temples just like those in Latin American Countries since it appeared like it was inspired by Peruvian Classical Architecture
The twin belfries are unique and compelling that no one will find any other bell tower just like them anywhere else in the country. The three facades of Neoclassic and Early Renaissance Architecture blends well with the baroque elements the burgeoned many parts of the temple.


  1. Interesting travel website. It's nice to see the Cabatuan Church being featured here... I come from the same town. =)

  2. Wow! The church is beautiful. i thought it's only Molo church and Miagao church that's beautiful in this city. nice blog feature. it's not the typical ones.

  3. When I was still working in Makati with WKAF (well known accounting firm) I used to travel all over the Philippines. One of the best place I've been to like Cebu, Davao, Zamboanga, Puerto, Bacolod is Iloilo. I could tell the difference. I met a lot of really nice people here and is still friends with a number of them actually. Was even introduced to the owners of one of the big named department store owner there (sorry don't want to plug them hehee). My couzin visited one time, he fell in love with an Iloilo gurl, ayun andyan na nakatira hahaha!!! I'd say, you guys are super uber bait ever, that's one thing that I noticed from all of you. Your pictures are really nice but it's much more beautiful to visit. Ang feeling ko is just like being in Mexico or something dahil sa archi nang mga buildings.

    Great city! great people! (o ayan, kelangan magbayad ka na nito saken! hehehe kelangan ko nang guapong Ilonggo!!! heheh!)

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