Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Valeria Street; Iloilo's Restaurant Avenue

Looking for a good place to eat or celebrate some important occasion? Then Valeria Street in Iloilo City is a perfect destination. Here, tourists and locals can get one of the best Ilonggo cuisines without spending too much. La Sallete Building, in front of SM Delgado is known for its restaurants like Ted's and Nandings both proud of their famed La Paz Batchoy. If Noodles and Soup doesn't fit you, then try Mang Inasal, a famous restaurant for the grilled chicken lovers.
Another breakthrough restaurant located in Valeria Street is Green Mango known for their desserts and a variety of mouth watery delicacies that will surely give you a reason to come back again and again and again.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Stories behind the beautiful Cabatuan Church

Considered as one of the most beautiful churches in the Philippines, the church of Cabatuan in the heart of Iloilo province is also amongst the most exemplary examples of Colonial architecture in the country.
What tourists should know about this church is that it is an example of an Earthquake Baroque Structure hidden the simplest details of Neoclassicism, making it a unique mixture colonial art and architecture.
Interiorly, a tourist will find the largest altar and the tallest stone retable in all of Iloilo and perhaps in the entire Visayan Islands. It also boasts its spacious baptistery that has an artistic neoclassic retable of it's own, a detail that is not common with churches in the region.
Inside, before the huge stone retable, is the replica of the 'Arc of the Covenant', an important artifact in Christian History and is also known for it's beautiful collection of stained glass windows. The Santo Niño de Cabatuan like the Santo Niño de Santa Barbara are known for their unique appearance. The Santo Niño inspired the creation of newer versions built for an empty retable in Bacolor Church in Pampanga.
So why should tourist add this remarkable heritage destination to their itenary? Well, I guess it's because it is obviously something they shouldn't miss while in Iloilo.