Saturday, July 21, 2007

Convento de Santa Barbara

We Filipinos might associate Mudejaric Christian art with Cebu's Carcar Church but Iloilo's Santa Barbara Church is also a good example of Mudejar architecture. The facade of Santa Barbara church is perhaps a miniature of India's Basilica of Born Jesus while the convent's geometric designs and ornaments are similar with Southern Spain's Moorish inspired Churches. Mudejar architecture was widely used in Moorish Europe (Southern Spain and Morocco). It is a combination of both Classic and Moorish elements.
Historically, Santa Barbara Church was the headquarters of Iloilo's Revolutionary government which was headed by Iloilo's first provincial governor, General Delgado. The convent survived the threats of World War II but some parts were damaged after the 1948 tremor.
If you're itenary includes Sta. Barbara Church on the list, you wouldn't have any problem figuring out which jeepney to take. The Santa Barbara-Highway Jeepney passes UPV-Iloilo and SM city Iloilo and the Santa Barbara- Lapaz Jeepney routes through Lapaz and Jaro. Both jeepneys routes through Pavia. Santa Barbara shares a part of the Iloilo International Airport which is originally in Cabatuan, a neighboring town. It hosts the main access road towards the airport. The oledst golf course in South East Asia was also established in Santa Barbara, thus making it the recreation capital of Northern Iloilo.